Part 1.4 Henry Irvin DeGraw His Service with the US Navy - South Pacific
Henry DeGraw provided some clues as to his Military Service, enough clues to be able to paint a far more detailed picture of involvement in World War Two. Henry DeGraw enlisted in the US Navy in April 1941. But he was not in the Navy per see, he was in the elite and very dangerous force involved with Merchant Shipping. He was a member of the U.S. Navy Armed Guard. It seems that not much is known about their role in World War 2. They faced immense danger on the high seas, all the while protecting the supply ships, particularly in the Arctic Waters. His name on the Passenger List, also provided his address in America. The ship manifest included civilians and members of the US Navy Armed Guard Service, from New York. What then brought he, and his fellow brave servicemen to Glasgow? The reasons prove, just how dangerous his life was, while he served in ...